Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Random Quiz Results and Christmas!

      Hey guys, it's Christmas Eve. Who's excited? I sure am! Anyway, I decided to randomly do some personality quizzes because heck, who doesn't enjoy those? If you want to take them yourself, the link will be there. Well, here they are!

Your rainbow is strongly shaded green.

What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.

Find the colors of your rainbow at
you are aqua

Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well.

Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the html color quiz
Certificate: Test results
Elements test
1001For 40 % you are: Earth: Stable and resilient, earth is the element of solidity and support. It is frequently the strongest element, but also the slowest or it's good at defensive magic, but not in offensive depending on the writer. Earth characters are frequently dependable, strong, and, if female, motherly. However, they can also be stubborn and far too stuck in their ways. As such, it is aligned with the melancholic temperament.
25 % of 1872 Quiz participants had this profile! Profile A
Take this quiz: Elements test

The Engineering Personality Quiz
You relate easily to people and can be very convincing. You know what people need to make their lives better. You can be warm and generous, and when things are going well for you you tell everyone and can't help but share the laughter.

You might make a good
Environmental Engineer
Environmental engineers apply engineering principles to the improvement and protection of the environment. They help protect ecosystems, water resources, people and animals, from the effects of industry. They make sure we consider things like temperature changes, chemicals, fires or landscape changes in our technology projects.

Other scores:
Environmental: 69%
Aerospace: 38%
Civil: 38%
Industrial: 38%
Computer: 23%
Materials: 15%
Electrical: 15%
Mechanical: 7%
Chemical: 7%

What kind of engineer should you be? Find out at

ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?
Your Result: Silver and Red Wolf
*howl* You're a very strong person. You tend to be naive most of the time, but when in love boy do you know how to get around! You prefer to be quite around adults. Your soul mate is the gold falcon. You're in conflict with the maroon panda.
Blue Fox
Red Jaguar
Gold Falcon
Ocre and Gray Dolphin
Yellow Trout
Teal Cat
Tan Giraffe
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Saturday, December 20, 2014


     Hey guys! This is just a post explaining the poll options. Well, here goes!

  1. Fun polls with random questions! - In this option, I ask a random question that could vary from favorite foods/ games, to a fandom question, like one about Black Butler or something. They'll pretty much be opinion questions. 
  2. Animal of the week posts! - This option would be that I choose a random animal and post about it. I would add in facts and photos about it. For the people out there that like animals, you'll love this option! 
  3. Contests with digital items from the games I play as prizes! - Heh, this is one long option, isn't it? Anyway, this would be like a raffle. Sometimes I might just have you comment, other times there would be a mini quiz about random things, and whoever gets the most right wins! Of course, if there was a tie there'd be a raffle-like thing. Now, I bet you're wondering what games I play. Well, I play quite a bit of different ones, but the main ones are Chicken Smoothie and Animal Jam. Those would be the easiest to have prizes to give out anyway. If you wanna check out the websites, here's the links: Chicken Smoothie , Animal Jam
  4. All of the above! - This option is fairly obvious. This means you want all of them! 
     Well guys, that's about it. Go on ahead and answer away! If you don't want all of them, I set it so you could choose only two as well. I'll see you either tomorrow or Monday, bye!

Friday, December 19, 2014


     Hi guys! Life of course scooped me up again. Hopefully I'll do more posts since it's Christmas break now. I just got really lazy. Anyway, I just recently got into the anime Black Butler. It's a great anime.. except my parents won't let me watch it now. I'm pretty bummed, but oh well. Just because I can't watch it doesn't mean I can't still like the show! I was also thinking about doing more on this blog than just posting random pictures from the web. So, I'll probably end up making a poll of ideas. If anyone wants to suggest something, go ahead and leave it in the comments below (though I doubt barely anyone will.. yea).
     Now I have for you my usual random picture montage. Just to make this clear (even though it's pretty obvious), all these pictures are FROM THE INTERNET. I didn't make any of them, I deserve absolutely no credit whatsoever. Anyway, here we go!
You may also notice this is my profile picture! Squee! 

Ciel's mystical eye, as you can tell. 

XD Yes! 

... Ciel looks so done in this, as he does in quite a bit of scenes. XD 

     Well, that's it for me, I'll hopefully start posting multiple times a week and such. As the picture above says, Merry Christmas! May God bless you! <3

* EDIT * - As you can see, I got the blog ready for the Christmas season! Just to give credit, the pictures used as the background header were all from the internet. Whoever made them, all of you are awesome! Anyway, I hope all fo you like the new look, bye guys!